Tuesday, August 19, 2008

submission one | equus

Why windows?

Ralph's childhood habit which consequently turned into an adult passion: Obsessed with volatile frames, ever changing views, each view carries significance. The idea is to create a way to work with nature to manipulate, to capture a moment in time.

There is a sense of anticipation, longing, waiting for an appointed moment.

A moment uncontrollable by human manipulation, a moment beyond the earthly being, a Godly moment. In Greek, we call it Kairos.

the Beginning.

Framing a view starts with a normal window, then wait upon mother nature to change the view passively. I began to realise if the window faces a tree and the mountain, reality is they will be there for a long time and changes aren't evident enough to satisfy the thirst for the different. The solution came about when I notice the movement of the sliding window, the motion of sliding it sideways. As shown in my sketch, the moving window frames a different view every time it moves, initiating an active decision to modify the framing content. This is what I call working with nature to frame a moment.

attempt one.

Acquiring the rectilinear shape of the sliding window, and resembling "tracks" of the sliding window, the forms were directly translated into the shape of the building. Each block moves slowly and individually in different direction on the track, hence changing the inhabitants look out every minute. Design is kept as minimal as possible to allow the view from the outside to take control.

Ralph is an expressive person. He is deliberate in expressing his life to others, to share his joy to strangers. That description nicely fit into the "transparency" of the building, with floor to ceiling windows, portraying his bare nature.

attempt two.The rectangular first attempt was some what, boring and well planned. It loses flexibility and being unpredictable. The only non linear, ever changing direction shape I could thought of was a circle. In which not to change the shape of the individual blocks into spheres, but to modify the path of the individual blocks to the perimeter of a circle, every position faces the tangent of the circle. I broke the circle into 5 and placed them right behind each other in a planned random order.

birth of Kairos.To wait upon and appointed time, which only can be defined through a supernatural sense. Kairos, a God appointed time.

Each individual blocks will move in random order, from left to right, but there will be a time when they all meet up.

the inhabitant would constantly wait for the kairos, similar as waiting for a miracle.
No tangible signs of wonder when this is achieved, though.

from binary to reality.
The contrast between white and grey card board seems alright. Looks similar to the sketchup model, in a more enclosed fashion and without the rear "tower".

The rear tower was replaced by a mirror tower in unit 7 as shown above. The mirror tower is 4 full length mirrors held together by a pillar.
When Kairos happens, you'll be able to see your reflection from the outside at the mirror tower, to reiterate the fact that you are naked standing before God. When the second Kairos happens, people from the outside would be able to view the reflection of the inhabitant through the mirror tower.

final one.

The design has evolved back to the more exposed version, full length windows. The final one has been enhanced in the complexity of the design and planning. The fourth block from the front had adapted a new form of sliding mechanism, and the last block has been elevated to improve visibility. The final one is more unpredictable with reduced reoccurring forms, feels more fluid, the curves are more evident, the height is not the same, creating a contour of lines from above and more spatial movement.

The model is done, just waiting for the kairos moment.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

design Idea.

Ralph the window man.

How inappropriate if the design ideas were not drawn out from windows.

Being diplomatic with the window man.

Reconciling sliding windows with architecture.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

random Ralph | Windowman

Ralph is in his mid thirties and a computer genius with a so call mediocre life. He's a canadian with blonde hair, signs of balding seem evident. He lived in China for almost a century, speaking fluent mandarin now. As a young child, he used to sit by the window every morning to witness the break of dawn. The mark of a new beginning every day is like a gift from heaven, his dad used to say, that's why today is call the present. Windows were always his volatile frames, his memories, his past. Looking out the ever changing frame, anticipating a different scene, every effort seemed to successfully manipulate his emotions. He is known today as the computer geek windowman. His outlet for windows features from windows with oriental surrounds to contemporary designs. Business is better than during the 90s with main exports to china. Even the governor of the state buys from him. He likes chop sticks and asian food, quite unlikely for a Canadian geek. He likes muscle cars and especially the colour red. Red of prosperity, he believes. He’s a church go-er, and attends a house cell group every Friday nights. He believes in the window selling ministry, reaching out to endless clients every week, hoping someone would ask him why he is always joyful every day. And yes, he is always joyful whenever, wherever. Desperately wanting to tell everyone his secret, he sets up an extra window at his shop front with a note saying, a window opportunity to discover the secret of joyful living, ask owner for more information. He likes gadgets and sophisticated machinery. Ironically a minimalist himself, his shop has minimal design components. He cannot bear not matching colours and shades. He suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder, everything must be precisely, inch to inch aligned and organized. His wife and 3 boys similarly grew to accommodate his disorder, the kitchen and kids’ room are always in tip top condition. He enjoys solitary time doing Chinese calligraphy in his study, but also enjoys hosting people in his place. Extremely hospitable, is what people note him to be. He needs a new name for his shop, replacing the old, Willy Windows. Besides, it’s time for a change in new perspective after 8 years. He needs a bigger car, a family car and also a new toothbrush. He wants a chain of franchise in china, and preferably in the Middle East as well. He wants the new Apple Iphone 3G. He wants to be a cool dad, and attempts to catch up with contemporary music. He’s a family orientated person and the next thing he wants, is a wooden horse?